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People I know in real life

Abnormal Life
by Joseph Pfister.

It's like his life and my life only exaggerated. Alot.

Parallel Dementia
by Ben Fleuter.

It's about deamons and robots and other awesome things.

Other Comics

Freedom Fries
by Liberty Cabbage.

So random. So bizzare. So awesome.

by Matt Johnson.

About a graphic designer in Nebraska named Cortland.
He tangles with super villians.

Emergency Exit
by NJ Huff.

It startd as a gag comic, but then it had a story.
Deamons, magic apartments and other stuff... just read it.

Dr. McNinja
by Chris Hastings and Kent Archer.

Dr.McNinja is a doctor who is also a ninja.
Well drawn and very funny, possibly my overall favorite comic.